First Trimester Recap
Being pregnant has been such a whirlwind experience for me. If you read my previous post about my journey, you’ll know that I was completely caught off guard when I found out I was pregnant. Since then, the first trimester has flown by, and I’m currently in my second trimester. I want to document so many aspects of this experience, so I thought I’d share how the first trimester went! If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a comment.

How did I find out I was pregnant?
I went to a brand new gynecologist to have an endometriosis consultation. For the whole month of September I was experiencing a lot of pain in my abdomen and the timeframe between my periods kept growing longer – 60 to 70 day cycles. I went into the gyno visit hoping to talk about the possibility of me having endometriosis on top of my PCOS, but the nurse had me do a urine sample and when the Dr. came in to introduce himself, he told me that I was pregnant! I was so shocked and in disbelief! Greg and I had been trying since the beginning of the year, but we decided to take a break since I was a bit tired of all of the tracking. I honestly had no noticeable symptoms!
How did I tell Greg?
I wish I would’ve come up with a beautiful reveal, but since I was shocked, I waited until Greg got home from work the day I found out at the gyno visit. He went to take a shower and I couldn’t contain my excitement. As he was showering I walked in and blurted it out. We both were overjoyed and cried. He was especially excited because our baby is due around his birthday and Father’s Day!

How did we tell our families?
I went to a brand new gynecologist to have an endometriosis consultation. For the whole month of September I was e
Revealing my pregnancy to our families has been such a joy! My parents were already aware that we were having some struggles with my fertility journey due to my PCOS but they have been so incredibly supportive. We found out that I was pregnant at the beginning of October and I hosted a Halloween Murder Mystery party with my family on the weekend that we found out. It was so hard to keep it a secret from everyone at the party because I wanted to shout I’M PREGNANT through the rooftop haha! A part of me was also terrified that because of my PCOS the pregnancy might not be viable, so this first trimester was filled with a roller coaster of emotions. We ended up inviting my parents to brunch the day after my Halloween party and we told them via a small gift and card. Tears were flowing and then we celebrated over yummy pancakes!
We told Greg’s parents soon after. We invited his mom over for dinner and gave her a wine bottle with a label saying she was becoming a grandmother. She was so happy and excited! Greg’s dad found out when we visited his house and he was a bit in shock but overall very happy for us!
From there on, we’ve told our immediate family and they are all incredibly excited for us! It is the first grandchild for our parents, so we know our baby is going to be so loved and super spoiled! 🙂
What pregnancy symptoms did you experience?
My first trimester was pretty good. My main symptoms were fatigue, sore breasts, cramps and occasional stomach issues. I have not yet experienced any morning sickness (thank goodness!) but would sometimes feel a bit queasy if I was hungry. One symptom that was prominent during my first trimester was anxiety. I think in having PCOS I’ve been so worried about not being able to get pregnant, that once I got pregnant all I could worry about was miscarrying. Every time an appointment would arrive, I was so scared that the baby wouldn’t appear on the ultrasound. Luckily so far everything has been fine, but the anxiety has crept up on me several times. I am really lucky to have an amazing supportive family who I can talk to about anything I am feeling. Greg is wonderful and is always there to cheer me up if I am feeling down. Another funny symptom for me is that I cry so easily now! If I watch a sappy show I tear up, or I might hear a song and it gets me going.
I think it’s completely normal to feel anxious about motherhood. I’ve always loved children and I hope that I will be a good mother, but it can be scary to think about how much my life will be altered once my baby is here. Now that I am in my second trimester, I feel like the anxiety cloud has lifted a bit and now I feel much more excitement in this journey.
Best moments so far?
My 12 week ultrasound was a game changer for me. The baby actually looked like a baby on the scan and I think that is when it really hit me that this is all real. I feel so blessed to be able to be pregnant, especially because I know there are so many people out there that struggle with fertility. Greg and I were trying to hold back tears during the 12 week ultrasound, because it felt so miraculous to see our little baby moving around in my belly.
Another incredible moment for me was when we found out the gender for our baby! I’ll share that reveal in a future post, but we were so overjoyed when we found out! Now we just have to narrow down a name for our child and we are one step closer!
Final thoughts?
Being pregnant during this pandemic has been a bit nerve-racking. I am so grateful that Greg has been able to join me for my appointments and that our jobs have been flexible with us to work from home a few days during the week. I am so hopeful that my pregnancy continues to move along smoothly and I can’t wait to meet our baby in June!